Samsung music is optimized for samsung android device and provides a powerful music play functionality and the best user interface. key features 1. music player. mytechnosound. high quality mp3 player with equalizer and music editor. music player. recorder & smart apps. music player, mp3 player. play mp3 & all music.. Download apk. there's a more recent version available below! advertisement. samsung music is optimized for samsung android device and provides a powerful music play functionality and the best user interface. - allows the player to write,modify,delete to sd card. - allows the player to read data from sd card. 2. phone permission : korean. Samsung music player apk is best optimised for samsung android device and presents a compelling music play functionality and a great user interface. with support for multiple formats such as mp3, wma, aac, flac it also works on marshmallow , lollipop , kitkat and other android os versions..
Music player for s8 and samsung galaxy s9 plus music player are optimized for android devices and provides a powerful music play and best user interface like the music player s8 edge. music player style s8 edge with the perfect equalizer to support all music, audio file formats.. Samsung galaxy s8 music player apk | download. the application is anything but difficult to install. since it is an official application, it will update your present music player application. basically download the apk document and install it as you do with any other application.. Download apk. there's a more recent version available below! advertisement. samsung music is optimized for samsung android device and provides a powerful music play functionality and the best user interface. free music player, music downloader, offline mp3 1.322. simple - better banking 2.69.1..