Microsoft .net framework 3.5 contains many new features building incrementally upon .net framework 2.0 and 3.0, and includes .net framework 2.0 service pack 1 and .net framework 3.0 service pack 1. the microsoft .net framework 4 web installer package downloads and installs the .net framework components required to run on the target machine. Di windows 8, untuk .net framework 3.5 (includes .net 2.0 and 3.0) belum disertakan. tapi sebenarnya juga kita tidak perlu mencari file installer tersendiri untuk .net versi tersebut. kita bisa menyertakan .net versi tersebut melalui fasilitas yang sudah ada di windows 8, yaitu turn windows features on or off .. How to install net framework 3.5 includes net 2.0 and 3. 0 how to fix .net framework 3.5 includes( net 2.0 and 3.0) couldn't be installed enable .net framework 3.5 (include 2.0 and 3.0) in windows.
Install .net framework 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5 from windows update open windows 10 settings, go to the apps category, and under apps and features , click on programs and features . in the classic control panel window, click turn windows features on or off .. Install .net framework 3.5 (includes 2.0 and 3.0) secara offline. 1. yang dibutuhkan hanya cd windows atau yang berbentuk installan (iso) juga bisa. 2. masukkan cd pada komputer atau mount installan windows. dan lihat di drive mana cd windows terbaca, pada gambar dibawah ini cd windows terbaca pada drive f..