Pubg creator confirms no single-player, wants pc/xbox one cross-play wants pc/xbox one cross-play. greene said the world of pubg has lore behind it. greene told gamespot that he did write. However, the answer to the same question of is pubg cross platform but for console and pc is not as clear-cut. unfortunately, xbox one and pc players play completely separately from one another.. Pubg is has been performing phenomenally on the pc. with the game making its way onto the xbox one, enabling crossplay between both platforms would be exciting..
Pubg cross play explained: is pubg cross platform? considering the fact that fortnite is available for cross platform play across all of its versions f... thank for watching don't forget subscribe. Playerunknown battlegrounds console & pc cross platform play + new zombies info!! please dislike the video if you want me to upload pubg content to my 2nd channel. how to get more kills on. Playerunknown's battlegrounds studio wants to add cross-play between pc and xbox one by andy chalk 2017-06-28t22:20:30.178z it's fairly straightforward technically, but there are challenges..