Pubg peak concurrent player number on steam 2019 most played games on steam 2018, by average players per hour; leading paid game titles on steam in 2017, by revenue. Steam pubg, steam stats the drop actually came just one day after its record , which may be cruel but is most certainly indicative of the continued efforts, or lack thereof, by pubg's development team.. Pubg surpasses 1.5 million concurrent users on steam, dota 2 numbers sink. quite the opposite, the current number of players is higher than the numbers of many other mobas. still, as realgear reported, the pubg presence on steam has a negative effect on other popular shooters, too..
Steam & game stats updated: march 18, 2019 @ 3:54am our on-going goal with steam is to improve the service we offer customers. we believe that by sharing this data, we'll be able to spot problems earlier, improve the steam service more efficiently, and ultimately build better products and experiences.. Investigation into dota 2 and cs:go player numbers for china january 8, 2018 in recent time pubg has made history largely thanks to chinese players by becoming the most played game on steam.. Number of steam users 2012-2018 number of peak concurrent steam users from november 2012 to october 2018 (in millions) (pubg) on steam worldwide from april 2017 to february 2019.